Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Bonnar Popped For Steroids

Bonnar Popped for Steroids
Multiple sources are reporting that Stephan Bonnar has tested positive for steroid use, fresh on the heels of his UFC bout with Anderson Silva. The fighter tested positive for Drostanolone, an anabolic steroid, according to MMAWeekly. The fighter just retired from the UFC, but this is not the first time he has tested positive for banned substances.
Bonnar also tested positive for steroid use in 2006. This came after a fight with Forrest Griffin. That infraction ended up costing the fighter $5,000 in fines from the Nevada State Gaming Commission.
Despite the steroid use, Bonnar did not fare well against Anderson Silva, though that certainly doesn't make him unique in that regard. Silva managed to knock Bonner out in the first round of their match in UFC 153. The fight also marked the last time that Silva plans to fight in the light heavyweight division and he plans to move up.
The UFC itself conducted the drug tests. According to MMAWeekly, this was done because Brazil lacks a commission that oversees the testing of athletes for steroids.
Bonnar is officially suspended from the UFC, though this seems like something that's likely to have little impact on the life of a fighter who already decided to hang up his gloves and step out of the cage for good. It will prevent Bonnar, however, from being able to return to the UFC from retirement.

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