Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Mike Brown Will Do 5 More Fights with UFC

Mike brown will be fighting five more times in UFC matches, according to reports and his own website. The fighter had complained about injuries impacting his performance but, in the end, he signed a contract with UFC to do five more fights rather than retiring, as he was considering prior to signing the deal.

Brown is a former WEC featherweight champion. He defeated Urijah Faber in WEC 36 to secure that title in 2008. He took the victory in the first round, becoming the champion and garnering reputation the best featherweight fighter around.

After defeating Daniel Pineda in UFC 146, Brown was considering retiring. His numerous injuries, including having his knee badly injured in a match in Japan, were causing him problems and he was debating whether or not his body could handle any more punishment.

Coming Back

On his own website, Brown said that a combination of fatigue and the wear and tear on his body was taking all of the fun out of being in the cage and that he was thinking that the exhaustion and pain was going to continue. The turning point, however, came during the fight with Pineda, after which the fighter said he felt "great" and that he didn't suffer from the fatigue that has plagued him recently. He plans on continuing through with the contract he signed, according to his post.

The new UFC deal was signed on July 4, 2012 and will see the fighter stepping into the cage at least 5 more times. After having two successful title defenses in the WEC and holding onto a reputation as a determined fighter, despite his body having taken a lot of punishment over the years, it was looking like the end for Brown, but the new deal means that fans will get to see the fighter back in action.

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