Wednesday, March 21, 2012

MMA Fighters and the Impact of EFD Glove Technology

If you caught the “Fight Science” special on the Nat Geo Channel, you saw what type of impact professional fighters have on their opponents. Placing sensors on crash test dummies, the scientists measured the power in every punch kick, elbow or knee shot delivered by the fighters. The results were both shocking and instructive.

Instead of judging by the result of a fight or the injuries sustained (the human element), these technicians focused on hard numbers and facts. It would take a direct blow to the head of an opponent who wasn’t expecting it to equal the same type of impact they achieved in this TV special. In a real fight, evasion and anticipation movements of great fighters have a lot to do with the outcome.

Nonetheless, consistently landing damaging blows is the goal of every fighter that steps into the ring. It is incredibly useful to know how hard these hits really are. Enter the EFD training glove, the first of its kind, built for measuring the impact and speed of every punch thrown, as well as the punch type.

Using these gloves, whose technology involves a microchip undetectable by the fighter, training sessions become open to instant, total analysis. How many jabs and hooks were thrown? What was the most powerful sequence? What was the hardest punch thrown? Did the fighter fizzle or increase in strength and efficiency?

The answers to these questions point to the essence of fight training. The EFD gloves can tell a fighter all of this information, immediately posting it on an enabled computer screen or smartphone. In many ways, it is “Fight Science” in miniature. While you will not have a team available for every training session, you can have a training partner in these gloves. It is bound to change the way every MMA fighter trains.

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